Sensory Systems
Foundational building blocks
Neuromuscular and Postural Control
Controls endurance & ability to regulate
Encompasses motor and visual perceptual skills
Social and Attention Skills
Ability to engage, concentrate and learn
Ability to regulate emotions and arousal level
"Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is the process of identifying and providing specialised support and services for infants and young children with developmental delay, and their families in order to promote effective development, well-being and community participation."

​'How do I know my child needs OT?'
Common difficulties OT's can help with!
My child appears;
Emotional or Anxious
Emotional regulation difficulties
Reduced confidence or increased anxiety
Difficulties keeping social relationships​​
Distracted or Overwhelmed
Difficulties keeping up in kindy or school
Difficulties with self-care tasks (sleeping, toileting, eating or dressing)
Difficulties with transitions/changes to daily routines
Difficulties with fine or gross motor skills

Vestibular System
(Balance and Alertness)
My child:
â–¢ Has difficulty sitting still (moving or fidgeting)
â–¢ Appears impulsive
â–¢ Has difficulty maintaining attention
â–¢ Appears zoned out or distracted
â–¢ Appears overly active
â–¢ Avoids or seeks spinning and unexpected movement
â–¢ Appears overly anxious/cautious
â–¢ Has difficulty balancing
Proprioception System
(Body Awareness)
My child:
â–¢ Falls over and bumps things often
â–¢ Has difficulty calming themselves down (e.g. difficulty winding down to sleep)
â–¢ Does not understand personal space
â–¢ Uses very large/rough movements OR very small/slow movements
â–¢ Visually monitors all of their movements
â–¢ Pushes, pulls things and people & wants lots of squishes
Tactile System
(Physical Touch)
My child:
â–¢ Avoids or seeks touch
â–¢ Avoids or seeks different textures and clothing
â–¢ Avoids or seeks grooming or showering tasks
Auditory System
My child:
â–¢ Gets overwhelmed with noises
â–¢ Has difficulties filtering out noises or following instructions
â–¢ Can overreact over sudden noises vacuums & hand dryers
Assessment Process
1st: Our assessment tools assist in determining the underlying reasons behind certain behaviours and why some tasks may be more difficult for your child.
2nd: A parent consultation is then organised to go through the findings to ensure the family understands the 'why and what' we can do to help. Together we will establish an intervention that is both effective and family centred.
3rd: A comprehensive report detailing the results and recommendations can be requested. Other reports can also be requested if required (e.g. educator specific reports for schools, Assistive Technology (AT) reports and NDIS Letter of Support.)

Sensory Integration vs Sensory Based Approach
Sensory Integration is a specific standardised treatment approach designed by Dr Ayres called Ayres® Sensory Integration. This approach should only be provided by certified and trained therapists who have completed additional post-graduate training. Therapists using this approach should follow specific guidelines called a fidelity measure. These guidelines were created to ensure therapists using the approach were adhering to specific criteria.
Sensory Integration requires the therapist to support the child to have adaptive responses by ensuring a ‘just right’ level of challenge.
Our Occupational Therapists at KnOT are trained and certified in Sensory Integration.

Our paediatric team have training and experience in providing a range of interventions to early years including;
Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI)
Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT)
Psycho-Sensory & Trauma Informed Practice

Parent & Teacher Information Sessions​
Parent and teacher sessions can help equip the family and classroom with information and practical strategies. It's a time where you can get answers to your specific questions. It enables a collaborative and family-orientated approach to outline what is important for the family. Teacher consultations can also be organised on a term or annual basis to assist in providing the best support for the classroom and family.
NDIS Early Childhood Approach (ECA)
The assessments and interventions are conjunction with the NDIS guidelines. Our therapists are experienced in providing services under NDIS Early Childhood Approach (ECA) and Key Worker Approach including Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA), Assistive Technology (AT) Prescription, Emotional Regulation and much more.